Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Why did Barack Obama win reelection?

When you consider the sad state of our nation on November 6, it's a wonder that Barack Obama was able to win reelection:

The deficit: Soaring way out of hand. We stand on the precipice of becoming the next Greece - riots and all.
Unemployment - 7.9% at the time of the election
GDP -  growing at a feeble 2.0% at the time of the election
Obamacare - forced down the throats of the American people
Average family salary - down $4K per household during the Obama administration
Benghazi: How can anyone feel good about an administration that sacrifices American lives for political (the Presidential election) purposes
Class Warfare: Obama's 2008 pitch about not red and blue states, but the United States has rung hollow. Instead of being the "great uniter", he has turned out to be the "great divider". His entire campaign was based on playing different portions of the voting populace against each other

Considering the above, who would have voted for the President on Nov 6?

The Misinformed:  The biased main stream press kept many people misinformed/uninformed.  The main stream press  avoided - even suppressed, news that was unfavorable to the administration.  It's actually like the main stream press - in their desperation to support/protect the first black President, has decided to adopt what seems to be a major tenet of the left - the ends justifies the means.
The Uninformed:  see paragraph on misinformed above
The Naive:  see paragraph on misinformed above
The Unintelligent:  The old Bell shaped curve.  Sadly one half the populace has an IQ under 100.  These folks are much more easily manipulated/mislead by the main stream press (see above) or demogogues (left or right side of the political spectrum).  NOTE:  Also, anyone who cannot understand the mathematics of what is happening with our snowballing deficit fits into this category.
Racists:  Obama received in excess of 95% of the black vote.  If the shoe fits...........
On the take/on the dole:  People who are desperate for their "free stuff", and believe that they are more likely to continue receiving such if Democrats are in power.  From a short term perspective, they are correct in this assessment.  Democrats have become quite adept at bribing people for votes out of money that we don't even have.  NOTE:  This category also includes government employees or contractors doing work that many in this country would consider to be for unnecessary functions.
The Far Left (Socialists/Marxists) :   Actually consider a significant number of Democrats to fall into this category.

Now, to be honest, not everyone who fits in the above categories voted for Barack Obama (or he would have won the election by far more than the 3% that he actually did), but enough did so that we're now we're in a position of having to hope (pray) that our country can survive the next four years of Barack Obama's leftist (Marxist?) agenda.

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