Friday, November 23, 2012

Reverand Wright and the left's "G. D." America philosopy:

There has been a tendancy for the left to view our country through a dark spectrum - as an evil country that has inflicted unfair/inhumane treatment on both internal/external peoples.  Specifically, that our misdoings are largely related to our evil capitalistic society's quest for resources, land and power.

Actually, if you think about it, the Far Left's sentiments relating to the United States most closely match with Foreign Dictators.  To put this bluntly, if you are thinking the way a foreign dictator is thinking, there must be something wrong with the way you are thinking.

While I like to think as the United States in a positive way - as an exceptional nation, with exceptional people who have done many positive things for the world (e.g., defeating Nazi Germany in WW2, spread of Democracy, foreign aid), I'm still forced to admit that they do have a point. 

Certainly, no group of people, the United States included, has ever operated/functioned entirely out of altruism.   In regard to this issue, I feel that the left is missing a very important point in their condemnation of this country, and it's related to human nature.   EVERY society/all peoples since the human race climbed down out of the trees has been involved in behaviors that they considered to be in the best interests of them, their families, their tribe or their nation.  ALL groups are equal offenders in committing transgressions against other human groups for their own selfish purposes.  There is no such thing as  a historic group of "good guys" - of long suffering individuals who have never done anything to anyone else, but have just had things done to them.

Altruism, while it does exist, and is to be aspired to, is not the norm for human behavior.   The norm is our more animalistic trait - the trait involving self-interest that is inherent to all races and creeds of the human race.

All things considered, I think the United States has been far better than most countries - particularly countries with the kind of power that we've had.  We always attempt to exercise restraint in our dealing with others.

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