Thursday, November 15, 2012

Impeach Obama?

Have been thinking about the similarities between Watergate and Benghazigate:   Nixon's coverup that eventually forced him to resign, and Obama's politically expedient decision where he not only failed to provide the additional security forces needed to protect our consulate, but actually withdrew security forces that were already on hand.  NOTE:  A need for enhanced security forces didn't mesh with Obama's "Arab Spring", and Al qaeda is on the run - the "warm and fuzzy" picture of foreign affairs that best suited President Obama's reelection plans.

Obama's indecisiveness (or indifference?) during the seven hours when our people still might have been saved, and his cover-up of his administrations actions, seems to be far worse than anything that happened during Watergate.  True, the cover-up part of both scandals is quite similar, but Benghazigate ended up leading to something far worse - the deaths of four American citizens.  After all, it was the security decisions that were made based on political advantage (getting reelected) - rather than analysis of security needs that helped create the crisis situation, and it was the failure to provide military aid during the critical seven hours that inevitably sealed the fate of the four Americans. 

Actually though, do not think President Obama will ever be impeached for his handling .  Reasons:  a)  The press is too heavily invested in the first black President to do anything but protect him at all costs. b:  Democrats, who typically adhere to the old "ends justify the means" philosophy, will not vote against the President no matter how bad Benghazigate turns out to be - and it's plenty bad enough already.

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