Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Petitions to secede?

Nobody ever passed around petitions to secede when John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton were in the White House.  I have to wonder about the level of disillusionment/dissatisfaction with the Obama years that would lead to something this extreme.  Here are some thoughts:

The deficit:  Soaring way out of hand.  We stand on the precipice of becoming the next Greece - riots and all.

Unemployment:  The President's actions - Obamacare and Dodd Frank, stifling (through the EPA) the utilization of our energy resources, and his general demonizing of the rich with such comments as "you didn't build that", inevitably lead to a lack of confidence in the future, and slow/no growth (and no new jobs) through lack of investments.  There is an overall sense of hopelessness for the future, that the current state of affairs is now the norm - that things will just not improve under this President.

Trend toward greater and greater dependency:  Support for a lifestyle/culture of dependency - making it easier to get and stay on food stamps, extending uneployment benefits way beyond the amount of time originally intended, contribute/lead to a culture of dependency and sadly restore the state of affairs that existed prior to Bill Clinton's signing of the Welfare Reform Act which helped alleviate this situation back in the 1990's.  While having people become/remain dependent garners the Democratic Party votes, it breeds a culture of hopelessness and despair, and helps keep people in a downtrodden (unemployed) state.   Also, backdoor support, and even enthusiasm, for the societal non contributors know as the "Occupy Wallstreeters" is a totally related sad commentary about where the Democratic party is these days.

Changing voter dynamics/effect on the economy and elections:  The rapidly growing numbers of people dependent on the government for "stuff" increases the potential voting pool for Democrats.  This makes it growingly less and less likely that this country will be able to fix the unsupportable financial situation we are in;  Reason:   Since the Democratic party typically receives the support (votes) of people dependent on the government for "stuff", democrats, to maintain power, will most likely continue to provide this "stuff" (sadly, out of money that we don't even have).

Benghazi:  How can anyone feel good about living in a nation where the administration sacrifices American lives for  political (the Presidential election) purposes?  NOTE:  We didn't even try to send in military aid during the seven hours after the attack began.   Whatever happened to "no man left behind".  Guess that laudable policy doesn't apply under this administration.

Petitions to secede:  Indeed, the response of many around the White House to the petitions to secede - a counter petition to strip the signers of the petition of their citizenship and deport them, actually lends credence to the petitioners who want to secede.  These totalitarian "my way or the highway" folks from the far left make this country a far less appealing place to live in - particularly for those who share the philosphy of the founding fathers as laid out in the constitution.

Biased main stream press:  Avoidance - even suppression of news that is unfavorable to the administration by the main stream press is a disservice, and is contrary to why the founding fathers included freedom of the press in the first amendment to the constitution.  In a worst case scenario (which s pretty close exactly where we are these days), when you turn on the TV to hear the news, what you are actually hearing is political propoganda favorable to the administration - and not the news.  It's actually like the main stream press has decided to adopt what seems to be a major tenet of the left - the ends justifies the means.

Class Warfare:  Obama's 2008 pitch about not red and blue states, but the United States has rung hollow.  Instead of being the "great uniter", he has turned out to be the "great divider".  His entire campaign was based on playing different portions of the voting populace against each other.  People are more alienated and ostracised from each other than ever.  Obama's campaign slogan of "Hope and change" has devolved into a situation where there is "no hope" because there will be "no change".

Maybe I can see why many people would be signing these petitions after all.

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