Monday, November 12, 2012

The Road to Financial Ruin:

Instead of "hope and change" there will be "no hope" because there will be "no change".

Our deficit is spiraling out of control, our GDP growth rate is anemic, and our unemployment rate is stagnant (and far worse than it appears because of the millions who have abandoned the work force out of a sense of hopelessness and despair).

All of this was fixable, and would have been under a Romney Presidency.  A President Romney would have:

     Went all in on energy production - oil, gas, coal, and nuclear.  President Obama will use his EPA henchmen to stifle the utilization of energy reserves that would have lead to energy independence - thousand of current jobs will be lost, and millions of new jobs in the energy industry will never be created.

     Repealed Obamacare.  Forcing businesses to provide health care will hurt hiring, cost the economy jobs, and keep millions of people in a "part time" employment status.

     Repealed Dodd-Frank.  Over regulation keeps start-up businesses from getting the loans they need to open or expand a business.  The vast majority of new jobs are created via small business start-ups and expansions, and under this law, a lot of entrepreneurs, simply won't ever get a chance to start their new businesses.

     Kept income tax rates/capital gains tax rates the same.  Obama's goal of increasing the tax rates on people making over $200K (couples over $250K)/capital gains tax hikes reduces the funds available for investment/expansion of businesses. 

     Made changes to social security, medicare and medicaid.  In the first four years of Obama's Presidency, he hasn't taken any actions to fix the long term problems inherent in our entitlement programs.  A President Romney would have taken actions to ensure their viability into the future.  Solving the entitlement problem is the most significant issue in resolving the deficit problem.

Sadly, under Obama, the deficit will continue to snowball, we will be downgraded by lending agencies, and we will continue to march down the path to becoming the new Greece - riots and all.  I suspect it will take us a generation to recover - much as it took West Germany a generation (or more) to recover from WW2.


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