Saturday, December 22, 2012

Iran and Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

Extreme Peril: People don't seem to be taking this situation seriously enough. Like the Tom Clancy book that was later made into a movie - this is a situation that is a "clear and present danger" to Israel, the United States, and indeed, to the entire world.

We need to be absolutely firm with Iran on their nuclear program. Either they have to stop and dismantle, or we need to attack. We simply can't allow them to continue playing their delaying game - it'll only lead to Islamic extremists in control of nuclear weapons.   Further negotiations will NOT work. They say they want Israel wiped off the face of the earth - see no reason not to take them at their word.  NOTE: Sometimes it seems like Obama's goal is to HELP Iran  run out the clock/get nuclear weapons by providng them with the cover of "negotiations".

Think it's very likely that if Iran gets nuclear weapons, that Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, etc will want/acquire them too. A Middle East armed with nuclear weapons is one of the worst scenarios I can imagine - not just for Israel and the Untied States, but for the ENTIRE world! Nuclear proliferation in the Middle East could lead to Armageddon.

Think it's very likely that they will use the weapons if they get them. Am doubtful that mutually assured destruction works with a religious fanatic. Think Israel is in tremendous jeopardy. Actually, think that we are too. Have heard the words "great satan" used in regard to the U.S. - do you think it would be beyond the realm of the possible that they would turn a nuclear weapon over to terrorists, and they'd then take them to NYC or Wash, D. C.?

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