Friday, December 14, 2012

Fiscal Cliff/Debt Ceiling Negotiations and Obama's Secret Agenda For this Country:

Moment of Truth:  Obama talks a good game on many budget issues, but the old saying "action speaks louder than words" applies to the completed Fiscal Cliff negotiations, and to the upcoming Debt Ceiling increase negotiations.  By the time we have struck a deal for both, we will know where the President really stands on the following:

A.  DOD $500B cut: -  DOD has already taken a $500B cut, and Defense Secretary Panetta  says that any additional cuts - specifically, the $500K identified in the upcoming sequestration, would devastate the readiness of our nation's military.  Comment:  Although Obama talks a good game, and supports Sec. Panetta on-camera, it's the suspicion of many that off-camera he would actually like this additional $500B cut to occur.

B.  Upper Class Tax Hike:  Obviously, Obama supported this tax increase - regardless of the fact that many economists said that this/the capital gains tax hike, will cost the nation jobs and send us spiraling into another recession.

C.  Capital Gains Tax Hike:   Obviously, Obama supported this tax increase - regardless of the fact that many economists said that this/the upper class tax hike, will cost the nation jobs and send us spiraling into another recession.

D.  Discretionary Budget Items:   The budget plans that Obama has disseminated, show no real cuts to these programs areas.  The only "cuts" identified by Obama to date are imaginary cuts - i.e., not spending money on things that we were never going to spend money on in the first place - and calling it a tax "cut".  Example:  Saying you saved $1T by not sending a mission to Mars, and calling that a $1T   "savings" is a good example of an"Obama spending cut".

E.  Entitlement Reform:  The President occasionally acknowledges that something needs to be done to curb the rate of growth in our entitlement programs - social security, medicare and medicaid,
however, to date, he has done nothing to curb the growth rate of any of these entitlement programs.

F.  Food Stamps/Housing Subsidies:  Obama has taken no actions to decrease costs being accrued to these welfare related areas, in fact, policies to date - specifically alterations to Bill Clinton's Welfare Reform Act - that make the acquisition of these benefits easier for people, he has dramatically increased costs to the government.

G.  Unemployment:  Obama has taken no action (s) to decrease costs being accrued to this program.  In fact, by extending unemployement benefits beyond the timeframe originally authorized (6 months) - to 2 years, he has dramatically increased program costs.


1.  Cost Drivers:   Believe that if we get through both financial negotiations without any significant changes to our budgetary cost drivers (parag.  D through H above), that it is obvious that Obama has no intention of doing anything to slow down the growth rate of our out-of-control federal deficit.

2.  DOD Budget:  Believe that if we get through both financial negotiations with DOD taking the $500K cut (parag. A above) currently identified by sequestration, it means that Obama wants to dramatically reduce our military, and therefore reduce our military/economic dominance/footprint on the world.

3.  Blank Check Authority:   If one of the results of the financial negotiations is that Obama is granted "Blank Check Authority" by Congress, not only are we heading down the road to financial ruin - as from that point on there will be no control over Obama's out-of-control spending, or our snowballing deficit, but we may be in the early stages of a Dictatorship.

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