Monday, July 29, 2013

If Benghazi, IRS targeting of Conservatives, NSA Data Mining, and the Spying on AP reporters/Fox's J. Rosen are "Phony Scandals", then:

* Why did Obama/minions initially pitch a "Phony Video" as the cause of the Benghazi attack? Why Didn't The Obama Admin Even Try to Send Help - After All No One Knew How Long They Could Hold Out? Why Did the Obama Admin Turn Down Repeated Requests for Additional Security?

* Why were we first told that the IRS targeting of Conservatives was done SOLELY by rogue low level IRS Cincinnati employees? Why did Obama First Say in May that the targeting of political groups was an "outrage" - While Now It's a "Phony Scandal"? Why Does Former IRS Head Lois Lerner Keep Taking the Fifth?

* Why did the Obama Administration keep the depth of the NSA Data Mining from Congress and the American people?

* Why were Associated Press Reporters/Rosen - who were just doing their jobs in accordance with the 1st Amend to the Constitution, being spied on by DOJ?  Why did DOJ have to "judge shop" (3 different judges) to obtain a warrant to spy on Rosen?

1 comment:

  1. Because both sides of aisle are in on this and protecting each other. Why has Boehner been quiet and done nothing???? Because he knows its already been decided. . .Unless Independents and Libertarians step up and take over the Cowardliness of the GOP. Gop won't win 2016 and they know it. They already plan Clinton as winner. With all her horrible decisions and all. Unless we stop this, it will snowball into a full blown socialist Country. So ironic that the Democratic party wins the votes of the minorities/Dems are the very people keeping them in invisible chains, but chains none the less. Dems must keep them dependent on Government to insure they all vote and cheat for them each election. We all know they/many voted multiple times in 2012 and even admitted it. Yet still Obama is President. Doesn't matter he is there illegally by voter fraud and intimidation. So if we want to save our Country we must win 2014 House and hopefully Senate. Then we have to win the general in 2016. . .Or it is all over. When will minorities realize the Democrats are only using them???? Sure isn't much to hang our future on is it???
