Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Benghazi Survivors:

Where are the Benghazi Survivors? It's like they've disappeared from the face of the earth. It's been over five months since the 9/11 tragedy, and we haven't heard one word about that night from any of the 20+ Benghazi survivors. The main question is, where are they?  A recently published article -  states that the survivors are forbidden from discussing that night due to non disclosure statements they signed when they were first hired.  NOTE:  When you consider the fact that the person that benefits from supressing the testimony of these people is Obama, the information/facts they are cognizant of must be damaging indeed for Obama to keep them from testifying by threatening them with their non disclosure statements.

Sen. Graham: is "fighting the good fight" in Senate Hearings right now trying to determine what really happened that night. Consider the chances of his getting Obama/his subordinates to "fess up" to be slim and none.  Why?  Consider it likely that if the truth ever came out about that night, it would lead to impeachment proceedings and end up bringing down the Obama administration.  Deceptions, half-truths, and outright lies are what Sen. Graham has in store for him from his current list of "witnesses".

Whistleblowers: What we need to crack this case is whistleblowers, and the best whistleblowers that come to mind are the Benghazi survivors - people who were actually there that night. Sen Graham should refocus his efforts on getting the survivors to testify, and issue them subpoenas, rather than trying to "break" Obama's high level administrative employees.



  1. "I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the Government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them" - Thomas Jefferson
    (From James D. Cory, President Libertarians United)

  2. "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Thomas Jefferson
